Our Prices

Search Engine Optimization
Pay Per Click
Social Media Marketing
Digital Content Marketing
Digital Marketing Audit
Email Marketing



Technical / website audit

Market and keyword analysis

Content optimization

Link building on quality domains

Monthly reports

Videos optimization

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Technical / website audit

Market and keyword analysis

Content optimization

Link building on quality domains

Monthly reports

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**SEO engagements are set up as a flat monthly fee. Once you've shared your goals with us, we'll do a comprehensive analysis of where you are today, where you'd like to be, and what your competition looks like. You will be provided conservative, average, and aggressive budget level options.

Third plane


Of AD spend/month

$50,001+/month ad spend 9paid to networks)

Up to 10k keywords targeted

3 networks

Monitoring clicks and conversions

Banner ad design

Test website security

Up to 3 personal consultations

Website conversion analysis reporting

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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Second plane


Of AD spend/month

$12,001 – $50,000+/month ad spend (paid to networks)

Up to 10k keywords targeted

3 networks

Up to 2 personal consultations

Activity monitoring

Test website security

Rule-based bidding management

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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First plane


Of AD spend/month

$0 – $12,000/month ad spend (paid to networks)

Up to 10k keywords targeted

2 networks

Strategic bid managment

Activity monitoring

Tracking for 100 web load phone calls

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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*Prices do not include the cost-per-click fee charged by the advertising platforms





55 social posts

5 boosted posts

4 networks

25 custom images per month

Daily boosted post comment monitoring

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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24 social posts per month

8 boosted posts

3 networks

20 custom images per month

Daily boosted post comment monitoring

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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12 social posts per month

4 boosted posts

1-2 networks

8 custom images per month

m, w, f boosted post comment monitoring

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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*Prices do not include the cost-per-click fee charged by the advertising platforms





8 blogs

500 words each

Initial campaign strategy

Analyze reports

Featured image selection

Dedicated account manager

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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4 blogs

500 words each

Initial campaign strategy

Featured image selection

Daily boosted post comment monitoring

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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2 blogs

500 words each

1-2 networks

* price of plane doesn't contain management cost and one time set up fee

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*Prices do not include the cost-per-click fee charged by the advertising platforms





Traffic overview

Visitors profiles overview

Social platforms overview

Conduct an online analysis of 3 competitirs

Conduct a test to measure the speed of website download

Test website security

Conduct social media strategy

Conduct a pay-per-click (ppc) strategy review

Review brand strategy

Review client database and making audience analisis

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Traffic overview

Visitors profiles overview

Social platforms overview

Conduct an online analysis of 3 competitirs

Conduct a test to measure the speed of website download

Review domain name asset and marketing strategy

Conduct social media strategy

Conduct a pay-per-click (ppc) strategy review

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Traffic overview

Visitors profiles overview

Social platforms overview

Conduct an online analysis of 2 competitirs

Conduct a test to measure the speed of website download

Test website security

Review domain name asset and marketing strategy

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*Prices do not include the cost-per-click fee charged by the advertising platforms

Best plane



8 email newsletters

Email design & copy

List maintenance

Initial campaign strategy

Dedicated account manager

Monthly reporting

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Better plane



4 email newsletters

Email design & copy

List maintenance

Initial campaign strategy

Monthly reporting

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Good plane

$200 - $400


2 email newsletters

Email design & copy

List maintenance

Monthly reporting

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*Prices do not include the cost-per-click fee charged by the advertising platforms